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AQUAMAN Irrigation& Landscaping originally started up as a company solely specializing in irrigation system design and installation. We've gathered over 30 years of experience and on-site knowledge to assist you with your irrigation needs. 


Contact Terry of AQUAMAN to set up a consult 

Common Irrigation Questions & Answers

Q.Will an automatic sprinkler system use more water than I’m currently using?

No. In fact, it will conserve water. You’ll never have to worry about runoff from over watering or wasting water when you forget to turn off the hose. And, with a rain sensor, your system will know when it is raining and simply shut itself off when water is not needed.

Q. How do I know what type of system is best for me?

AQUAMAN will design an irrigation system based on such factors as water source and pressure, soil type, planting materials, weather conditions, and your personal preferences and expectations. We will take all this information into consideration in designing a system specific to the needs of your unique landscape.

Q. Does having a sprinkler system really save time?

Yes. You won’t have to spend another minute of your valuable leisure time watering the lawn. Your new system will do all of the watering for you – even when you’re away from home.

Q. Will I have difficulty operating the system?

AQUAMAN will select the best controller for your needs, and we will set it with an appropriate watering schedule, in compliance with your local watering restrictions. We will also work with you to ensure you understand both the operation of the system, and how to adjust the controller’s program easily. 

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